Azerbaijan highlights generation of multiple jobs in Aghdam Industrial Park
Azerbaijan estimates number of foreign-invested companies since year's start
Tajikistan reveals number of industrial enterprises opened in Lakhsh district
Iran tallies funds spent on commissioning agricultural enterprises
Azerbaijan's industrial output moves down in 7M2024
Uzbekistan shares number of foreign capital-run enterprises
Uzbekistan updates Indorama Kokand operations
Uzbekistan shares number of foreign capital-run enterprises
Iran's Gilan province boosts number of restored enterprises
Uzbekistan set to ramp up output of its Enpipe enterprise
Uzbekistan's production in mining, quarrying industry grows in 4M2024
Türkiye tallies number of companies with Russian capital registered in country
Azerbaijan's Baku generates numerous jobs in 1Q2024
Uzbekistan reveals number of operational enterprises, organizations
Uzbekistan reveals number of operational enterprises, organizations
Uzbekistan discloses number of operational enterprises, organizations in industry sector
Number of individual entrepreneurs in Tajikistan increases
Uzbekistan's investments from own funds of enterprises, organizations grows
Uzbekistan reveals number of operating enterprises, organizations
Uzbekistan counts number of foreign capital-run enterprises
Uzbekistan counts number of foreign capital-run enterprises
Uzbekistan reveals production volume of ADM Jizzakh
Uzbekistan reveals production statistics for mining, quarrying enterprises
Volume of manufactured industrial products in Uzbekistan grows