
Uzbek Republican Stock Exchange unveils overall trading data for July 8

Uzbekistan Materials 8 July 2022 19:00 (UTC +04:00)
Natavan Rzayeva
Natavan Rzayeva
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 8. The volume of trading at the Uzbek Republican Stock Exchange "Toshkent" on July 8, 2022, amounted to 62.12 billion soums ($5.7 million), Trend reports via the exchange.

The exchange trading was carried out with 58 million securities of 23 issuers from 7 different economic sectors.

The total amount of transactions made through the exchange on July 8 was 397.

Top 3 securities by the volume of transactions per day:

- KPBA10 (Kapital bank) – 61.80 billion soums ($5.6 million)

- UZMK (Uzmetkombinat JSC) – 167.04 million soums ($15,304)

- CBSK (Chilonzor buyum savdo kompleksi JSC) – 57.31 million soums ($5,251)


Follow the author on Twitter: @NatavanRzayeva5

