Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, March 9 / Trend H. Hasanov /
Turkmenneftegazstroy State Concern announces the tender.
Lot No 1 - design and turnkey construction of a hotel of the highest level for 350 rooms in Avaza national tourist zone.
All interested companies are required:
-To submit a written application for participation in the tender, indicating full name, legal status, country of registration and details at the following address: 56, Archabil shayoly, twelfth floor, room 12, a building of ministries and departments of the oil and gas complex, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan;
-To become familiarized with rules of tender on choosing contractors for design and construction of production and social facilities for the Turkmen oil and gas complex;
-To obtain a package of tender documents by paying $1,000 per lot
Tender proposals are accepted till March 18, 2013.
The account for transfer of the above mentioned sum will be specified when submitting a written application.
Packages with tender proposals will be considered after transfer of funds to the account.
For additional information, please contact: (99312) 40-35-05, fax 40-35-33.