
Weekly Review of Azerbaijani Currency Market

Business Materials 21 May 2007 11:47 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku / corr. Trend I.Khalilova / Last week (14 - 18 May) the official rate of the manat against the US dollar, set by the National Bank of Azerbaijan, grew by 0.001 point or 0.01%. The average rate was established at 0.86214 to 1 US dollar.

Last week the maximum rate of US dollar against the manat was established on 14 and 15 May (AZN 0.8625 to 1 US dollar), the minimum on 18 May (0.8615 to US dollar)

Official rate of AZN in regard to USD
7 May 0,8640 14 May 0,8625
8 May 0,8640 15 May 0,8625
9 May - 16 May 0,8623
10 May 0,8633 17 May 0,8619
11 May 0,8632 18 May 0,8615
Weekly Average 0,863625 Weekly Average 0,86214

As a result of last week's exchange rate of the Azerbaijani manat against the US dollar, established on the basis of results of the Baku Interbank Currency Exchange (BICEX), decreased by 0.001 point or 0.01%. The average rate was fixed at 0.86156 to 1 US dollar

Last week the maximum rate of US dollar against the manat was established on `4 May (AZN 0.8622 to US $1), the minimum 17 and 18 May (AZN 0.8612 to US $1).

Deals concluded last week at BEST with transition to currency (T+0) comprised $1.3ln with an average sustained exchange rate of 0.8622 AZN/USD on 14 May, $5.425mln with an average sustained rate of 0.8617 AZN/USD on 15 May, $0.706mln with an average sustained rate of 0.8615 AZN/USD on 16 May, $1.864mln with an average sustained rate of 0.8612 AZN/USD on 17 May and $0.678mln with an average sustained rate of 0.8612 AZN/USD on 18 May

Official rate of AZN in regard to USD
7 May 0,8640 14 May 0,8625
8 May 0,8640 15 May 0,8625
9 May - 16 May 0,8623
10 May 0,8633 17 May 0,8619
11 May 0,8632 18 May 0,8615
Weekly Average 0,863625 Weekly Average 0,86214
Exchange rate of AZN in regard to USD
7 May 0,8633 14 May 0,8622
8 May 0,8634 15 May 0,8617
9 May - 16 May 0,8615
10 May 0,8633 17 May 0,8612
11 May 0,8633 18 May 0,8612
Weekly Average 0,863325 Weekly Average 0,86156

No deal was concluded with USD/AZN T+1, T+2 and SWAP_USD/AZN due to absence of appeals by dealers. The banks did not make appeals for RUB/AZN and EUR/AZN instruments at BEST.

A deal with EUR/AZN T+0 was fixed on 15 May with the amount of AZN 34.980. The average sustained rate of the deal made AZN 1.1660 per 1 EUR.

During this period the price of vouchers was stable and comprised of AZN 13, like the previous week.

