
Kazakhstan announces reasons for accident at oil-gas field in Mangistau region

Oil&Gas Materials 2 May 2019 12:28 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, May 2

By Fakhri Vakilov – Trend:

The Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development (MIID) of Kazakhstan has announced the results of an accident at the Kalamkas field (Mangistau region), Trend reports with reference to the ministry.

The MIID states that in accordance with the current legislation, Committee for Industrial Development and Safety on behalf of the Ministry, conducted an investigation into the accident that occurred on March 13 at the well of the Kalamkas field.

The commission formed by order of the Department Committee for Mangystau region included both representatives of the authorized bodies in the field of industrial safety, and representatives of the subsoil user company, the contracting company that drilled the well and a representative of rescue services.

As a result of investigation, the engineering drilling company “Si Bu” was found guilty in the accident that ocurred while the company was drilling the well.

"The engineers of the drilling company" Si Bu "did not comply with the requirements of the regulatory legal acts in the field of industrial safety relating to the operation of serviceable blowout preventive equipment. In addition, the engineering and drilling company" Si Bu "did not ensure proper production control over the safe construction in this well, and the level of knowledge in the field of industrial safety of the personnel of the company is not ensured," the deputy chairman of Committee for Industrial Development and Safety of MIID, Nygmedzhan Makazhanov said.

Thus, the commission came to the conclusion that the main technical cause of the accident was the depressurization of blowout equipment by employees of the LLP Engineering Drilling Company Si BU at the wellhead.

An outbreak of gas-water mixture in the Kalamkas oil and gas field occurred on March 13. A day later, the fire could not be localized due to the lack of road access.

President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev instructed the Government to take all necessary measures to localize the source of fire and eliminate the emergency situation at the Kalamkas field.

In total, the damage caused by the accident to the environment was estimated at 98.7 million tenge.

In addition, the LLP Engineering Drilling Company Si Bu "of Kazakhstan suspended the license due to inconsistencies of documents.

($1-381.22 tenge on May 2)


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