A short film titled "Umai" ("Boy at the Window") directed by Inkar Abdrash received "The Best Debutant Director" prize at the Kosece International Monthly Film Festival in Slovakia, in the official website of the film studio "Kazakhfilm" named after Shaken Aimanov said, Trend reports citing Kazinform.
The debut film by Inkar Abdrash tells about an orphanage boy who changes the life of a spoiled actress for the better. The film was produced by Farhat Abdraimov and Gulshat Smagulova. Previously, the film received 2 awards at the British International Amateur Film Festival (BIAFF) as The Best Film and The Best Screenplay. The film was also named The Best Short Film at the 10th Dadasaheb Phalke Film Festival in India (DPIFF).