

Analysis Materials 19 September 2005 10:16 (UTC +04:00)

Over the past 50 years average life duration throughout the world grew approximately 20 years and attained 66 years. The same time the birth rate dropped considerably, Both conditions led to increase of the absolute number of old people and their share in the entire amount of population in the Earth. By 2050 the number of people aged 60 and above grew from 600 million to approximately 2 billion people, the share of people aged 60 and above, is expected to double from 10% to 21%.

The calculations by the government in Azerbaijan show that in this century the demographic situation can become aggravated due to sharp rise in the number of old people. Today only people born during World War II when the demographic rise was not so high, go on pension. Therefore, the pensioners comprise the small number of residents of the country. Post-war period was marked with a demographic boom, and those born in this period will go on pension in the nearest years.

Generally, the pace of the ageing process is different in different countries. The population of the developed countries age later than the developed countries, but a bit rapidly. A of UN forecasts, by 2030 70% of the world oil people will live in the developed countries. It should be note that today people aged above 70 is more 1.6% than the age group between 60 and 64 and 1.3% more than the age group between 65 and 69, according to the State Statistics Committee.

Thus, a problem of ageing raises new and earlier unknown problems. Such a change in the demographic structure faces the society with the necessity of assisting the expansion of opportunities, in particular, the opportunities enabling the old people to realize heir potential participation in all aspects of life.

Gradual rejuvenation occurs in the authorities following the accession of young President to the power. In particular, the accent is put on the young candidates the forthcoming parliamentary elections. The tendency is observed not only in the political sphere. The young specialists take lead in the leading position in different sectors of economy.

The similar tendency is observed worldwide: the number of old decreases, which is explained with non-confidence of the employers in old people’s experience. “We need new brains judging on western standards” is heard frequently. The employers try to get rid of the old people, who continue developing the Soviet principles of office work.

The same, the absence of self-motivating interests makes the labor of current old people unattractive. They literally do not catch up the pace of progress of science and technique. It all gave birth to inferiority complex and assertion of an idea on their lag from life.

However, there are impetuous old people, who try to achieve all innovations in science and technique, change the mode of old-fashion thinking, and speak foreign languages. Unfortunately, they face stereotypes formed in the society: distrust in abilities and skill of old people. There is an idea that the old people are ill. However, not all the old are ill and weak. Azerbaijan has ten thousands old people who do not want to sit in, but to bring benefits to the society. This fact can be called as a discrimination in regard to old people, which is manifested in different forms. For instance, unwillingness of planning the personnel with consideration of the age, organizing and financing the requality and improvement of old people.

The bright example for it is the job announcements placed in the newspapers and magazines, which mainly invite people not above 30. It actually resents people aged above 30, who cannot understand how one can have experience until 30. However, there are also job announcements, which invite people above 40, but they are so rare and sometimes, is not suitable for such people.

All that actually ended in rise of a number of unemployed among old people. The tendency is also critical in Europe and it makes the problem actual worldwide.

The Madrid international action plan on ageing - 2002 envisages a struggle with the discrimination for age in all spheres, including extractive and business, state service and even in families.

In any case, let’s not forget on succession of the generations. How the current youth treats with the older generation, the same fate will wait it after years. Everyone should realize his future is oldness.

