
"Don't mention the football!" Prince Harry jokes ahead of award

Other News Materials 17 December 2010 18:09 (UTC +04:00)
Britain's Prince Harry said Friday he looked forward to his first trip to Berlin - where he is to receive an award on German television for his charity work in Lesotho.
"Don't mention the football!" Prince Harry jokes ahead of award

Britain's Prince Harry said Friday he looked forward to his first trip to Berlin - where he is to receive an award on German television for his charity work in Lesotho, DPA reported.

"I know Germans are very hospitable and look forward to meeting the Berliners - as long as nobody mentions football," the 26-year-old joked in an interview with daily Bild.

Harry is to be awarded for his seven years of charitable work in Africa, during a TV gala on Saturday by German charity Ein Herz Fuer Kinder (A Heart For Children).

He said his decision to work with children in Lesotho was in part influenced by his mother, the late Princess Diana.

"I always think of my mother, in everything that I do, and I hope she would be proud of my work," Harry said.

"My mother was an example to me and my brother, and many people worldwide," the prince said. "If I manage to build on the fantastic work of my parents, then surely I am on the right track."

Harry also said he was looking forward to the wedding of his brother William to Kate Middleton, next April.

"I have always wished I had a sister, and now I have one. I have known Kate for years and it is great that she will now become part of the family."

