( dpa ) - Results from the Democratic Party's state contests in so-called Super Tuesday voting.
Alabama primary (99 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 56 per cent Hillary Clinton 42 per cent
Alaska caucus (98 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 74 per cent Hillary Clinton 25 per cent
Arizona primary (93 per cent of precincts reporting) Hillary Clinton 51 per cent Barack Obama 42 per cent
Arkansas primary (89 per cent of precincts reporting) Hillary Clinton 69 per cent Barack Obama 27 per cent
California primary (90 per cent of precincts reporting) Hillary Clinton 52 per cent Barack Obama 42 per cent
Colorado caucuses (99 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 67 per cent Hillary Clinton 32 per cent
Connecticut primary (99 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 51 per cent Hillary Clinton 47 per cent
Delaware primary (100 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 53 per cent Hillary Clinton 42 per cent
Georgia primary (99 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 66 per cent Hillary Clinton 31 per cent
Idaho caucus (100 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 80 per cent Hillary Clinton 17 per cent
Illinois primary (97 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 64 per cent Hillary Clinton 33 per cent
Kansas primary (100 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 74 per cent Hillary Clinton 26 per cent
Massachusetts primary (97 per cent of precincts reporting) Hillary Clinton 56 per cent Barack Obama 41 per cent
Minnesota primary (81 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 67 per cent Hillary Clinton 32 per cent
Missouri primary (100 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 49 per cent Hillary Clinton 48 per cent
New Jersey primary (99 per cent of precincts reporting) Hillary Clinton 54 per cent Barack Obama 44 per cent
New Mexico caucus (92 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 49 per cent Hillary Clinton 48 per cent
New York primary (99 per cent of precincts reporting) Hillary Clinton 57 per cent Barack Obama 40 per cent
North Dakota primary (100 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 61 per cent Hillary Clinton 37 per cent
Oklahoma primary (100 per cent of precincts reporting) Hillary Clinton 55 per cent Barack Obama 31 per cent
Tennessee primary (100 per cent of precincts reporting) Hillary Clinton 54 per cent Barack Obama 41 per cent
Utah primary (100 per cent of precincts reporting) Barack Obama 57 per cent Hillary Clinton 39 per cent