Georgia, Tbilisi, 10 October / Trend corr. N.Kirtskhalia /The conference on Georgia will be held in Geneva on 15 October. The conference will touch upon the issues on completely withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgia, Bernard Kouchner, French Foreign Minister, said to journalists in Gori.
їToday, only the first stage of withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgia ha been implemented,ї said Kouchner.
їRussia fulfilled only part of the agreement. Although the agreement is not a full value agreement this is carried out in parts. This is very complicated and long term process,ї said Kouchner.
The issue related Akhalgori region and Kodor ravine will be touched upon at the Geneva meeting.
The refugees must be returned their homes, and this issue will also be discussed in Geneva,ї the French Minister said.
The EU will attend in rehabilitation of the conflicting zoneїs infrastructure, said Kouchner.
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