Azerbaijan, Baku, 2 August / Trend corr. E.Ismayilov / Deflation was observed in the price for foods on 99.5% rate in Azerbaijan in June against May, Arif Valiyev, the Head of the State Statistic Committee, said on 2 August.
"However, increase in prices was observed for nonfoods and services," Valiyev said. Increase in prices made up 20.2% in the first half of the year compared to 2007, Valiyev said.
The wholesale trade turnover and paid services rendered to population fluctuated on the 17.6% rate. According to the State Statistic Committee, the volume of wholesale trade turnover was AZN 4,078,3mln and paid service rendered to population - AZN 1,151,1mln, more by 29.5% compared to January- May 2007.
Increase in price for nonfoods was insufficient compared to increase in price for foods. So, increase in price for nonfoods touched 10.25% and services - 11.45% from January to May.
Increase in price for consumer goods totaled 2.3% in May. At the same time, increase in price for foods was 3.5%, nonfoods - 1.5%, but service tariffs kept stable.
In May, the basis index of consumer prices, excluding goods and services, which underwent season changes (fruits and vegetables), and prices regulated by the Government, comprised 102.4% compared to April, and 120.5% from January to May.
The prices for industrial productions increased by 6.9% in May, and 20.4% from January to May against the same period in 2007.
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