BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 7. As a result of the Armenian occupation of Kalbajar district consisting of Kalbajar city, Istisu settlement, and 147 villages, 48,847 civilians were expelled, and 17,489 units of property in their private ownership and state ownership of the Republic of Azerbaijan were damaged to the tune of over 2.2 billion manat ($1.2 billion), the Senior Assistant Prosecutor General Vusal Aliyev said in the indictment during court session on consideration of criminal cases against citizens of the Republic of Armenia, Trend reports.
The court session considered criminal cases against citizens of the Republic of Armenia Arayik Harutyunyan, Arkadiy Ghukasyan, Bako Saakyan, Davit Ishkhanyan, Davit Babayan, Leva Mnatsakanyan and others accused of committing crimes against peace and humanity, war crimes, including preparation and waging of a war of aggression, genocide, violation of the laws and customs of war, as well as terrorism, financing of terrorism, forcible seizure of power or forcible retention of power, and numerous other crimes.
To note, the 15 persons are accused of crimes committed by the Republic of Armenia and its armed forces, including the illegal "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic" created by Armenia and its illegal armed formations.
The following individuals: Harutyunyan Arayik, Ghukasyan Arkady, Saakyan Bako, Ishkhanyan David, Manukyan David, Babayan David, Mnatsakanyan Levon, Beglaryan Vasily, Ghazaryan Eric, Allahverdiyan Davit, Stepanyan Gurgen, Balayan Levon, Babayan Madat, Martirosyan Garik, and Pashayan Melikset are charged under the following articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan according to the periods of their participation in criminal acts: Article 100 (planning, preparation, unleashing or waging a war of aggression), 102 (attack on persons or institutions which enjoy international protection ), 103 (genocide), 105 (destruction of population), 106 (slavery), 107 (deportation or forced resettlement of population), 109 (persecution), 110 (forcible detention of a person), 112 (deprivation of liberty in violation of international law), 113 (torture), 114 (mercenarism), 115 (violation of the rules or customs of war), 116 (breach of international humanitarian law during armed conflicts), 118 (war looting), 120 (premeditated murder), 192 (illegal entrepreneurship), 214 (terrorism), 214-1 (financing of terrorism), 218 (organization of a criminal community (criminal organization), 228 (illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of firearms, their components, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices), 270-1 (acts endangering aviation security), 277 (encroachment on the life of a state or public figure), 278 (forcible seizure of power or forcible retention of power, forcible change of the constitutional order of the state), 279 (creation of armed formations or groups not provided for by law) and other articles.