Azerbaijan, Baku, 13 March / corr. Trend S.Agayeva / The Ukrainian Premier, Yuli Timoshenko, intends to discuss energy cooperation within the framework to implement the White Stream gas pipeline project.
The head of the Ukrainian government will visit Baku at the beginning of April for this purpose, Andrei Shkil, the MP of the Ukrainian parliament said to Trend by telephone from Ukraine 13 March.
The White Stream project which was initiated by Yulia Timoshenko during her visit in Brussels in February envisages the construction of the gas pipeline commencing from Turkmenistan via Azerbaijan to the Georgian port of Supsa and onwards through the Black sea seabed, through the Crimea to the European Union countries.
Brendan Devlin, the assistant to the EU coordinator on south gas transport projects of the East-West corridor said in February that EU is interested in the implementation of the White Stream project which will enable the expansion of the gas supply to the European Union. According to Devlin, the project can be financed from the technical point of view by financial resources to realize the projects in order to establish the unified Trans European energy network.
Earlier the visit was scheduled for mid-March. However, it became clear yesterday that Timoshenko plans to arrive in Azerbaijan after Ukrainian President Victor Yushenka's visit to Baku fixed for the end of March, the MP said.