In January to October 2005 the communications enterprises provided population and economic subjects with services worth 1.7trln manats, or 32.2% over the year-on-year indicator.
25% of all services was fell on public enterprises, 75% - private companies, with a rise of 13.2% and 40% respectively. 76.3% of service was directly rendered to population.
In this period Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies put into exploitation 95,771 telephone numbers, including 31,364 numbers by the Aztelekom PA and 64,407 - Baki Telefon Rabitasi PA. Increase of numbers was possible at the expense of the expansion and transition to of ATS to electron system.
In this period the Ministry invested 104,917bn manats in the communications sector of Azerbaijan.
Incomes of the Communications and Information Technologies Ministry made up 611bn manats. Incomes of the community payments made up 244bn manats. They were 99bn manats and 26bn manats up respectively as compared to 2004.
Since the beginning of the year the Ministry put into exploitation 99 telephone numbers, while investments totaled $19.7.
Incomes from mobile communication grew 43.2% and reached 1176.5bn manats.