Azerbaijan , Baku, May 10 /Trend/
The Azerbaijani State Maritime Administration's delegation will participate in the 89th session of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Maritime Safety Committee to be held in London on May11 -20, the Administration told Trend. The delegation will be led by Administration Head Gudrat Gurbanov.
The session is expected to discuss the development of guidance during the employment of private, armed security-service providers onboard ships, measures to improve compliance with the Best Management Practices in deterring piracy off the coast of Somalia and in the Arabian Sea area, and proposed guidelines to assist gathering evidence after a hijacking incident, the IMO reported.
The busy agenda includes the adoption of amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) concerning lifeboat release hooks, work related to the implementation of the Torremolinos Protocol on fishing vessel safety, goal-based standards for vessel construction and the long-range identification and tracking of ships. The MSC will also consider the approval of a number of draft resolutions for submission to the IMO Assembly, which will be held in late 2011.