Georgia, Tbilisi, July 26/ Trend, N. Kirtskhalia /
The Consumers International (protection of consumer rights) states that violations of sanitary norms in the retail markets and wholesale stores in Tbilisi have become a concern. The organization has been inspecting markets and wholesale stores during the past two months.
According to the organization Director Amiran Shengelia, food storage conditions are not observed in any market and wholesale store; they are stored under sun-light. The range of tainted products is quite large, Shengelia said.
Inspections found tainted candy, mayonnaise, honey, and sausages, and the sales of expired candy products. In addition, the organization believes that the producers themselves should pay attention to this problem; they should show more interest in the conditions under which their products are stored.
The organization advises consumers to protect their rights and to be careful when buying food products.