
Turkmenistan not to allow closing facilities during global financial crisis

Business Materials 13 October 2011 13:21 (UTC +04:00)

Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Oct. 13 / Trend, H. Hasanov /

It is not allowed to close facilities, reduce the number of jobs, or delay salary payment during the global financial crisis, the report of the Turkmen Institute of Strategic Planning and Economic Development said.

"On the contrary, many new jobs have been created," the message said. "The private sector also promotes this. Local business is fully supported. A number of additional benefits were introduced and preferential loans were used. Many procedures were simplified."

It was stressed that minimizing the consumer price index is essentially equalizes the dynamics of the growth of nominal and real income.

Turkmenistan initially chose a course of state regulation of economic growth and ensuring social guarantees to the population while transiting to market relations.

Turkmenistan conducted several economic reforms within the last four years. The national currency was denominated and the exchange rate was unified. There was an article about the transition to market relations in the amended Constitution.

The institute experts say that besides the oil and gas industry, power engineering, petrochemical and gas chemical industry, chemical industry, machine building, light industry, transport and communications and tourism are the main areas in the process of innovation and industrial development of Turkmen economy.

Such industries as textile and food industry have already been sufficiently developed. There is a potential in metallurgy, the power industry, chemical industry, and construction material production.

In general, the country creates economic incentives for the cross-flow of financial resources from commodity export industries to the processing sectors.

The use of national resources, the external competitiveness of high technology products, the expansion of sales markets and trade relations with foreign partners, and the search for long-term customers are the important aspects in the development of these industries.

"This is one of the important areas of Turkmenistan's integration into the global economy," the message said.

