38 complaints on insurance payment, from victims in a result of insurance cases have been received by the Insurance Control Department of the Azerbaijan Finance Ministry over the 11 month of the year, Trend reports referring to a message spread by the Finance Ministry.
Only in November 2006, 7 complaints were received. Insurance companies refused to pay insurances without grounds on 19 cases (including 4 in November, 2006). After interferences of the supervisory body on the above-mentioned notices, totally $41642, 53 (5378,53 AZN) were paid..
On January-November 2006, in result of checking the activity of the companies with the object to meet conditions and requirements of the license, the Insurance Control Department revealed other 9 facts when insurance companies rejected to pay insurance to their clients. 7,130 AZN were paid to the victims in result.
On the whole, in the reporting period, the Insurance Control Department have made insurance companies to pay 48 772,53 AZN on insurance cases where the companies rejected to pay insurance to their clients.