
Iran stands firm on its national interests amid nuclear talks

Nuclear Program Materials 3 July 2023 16:55 (UTC +04:00)
Elnur Baghishov
Elnur Baghishov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 3. Iran continues to hold discussions on its nuclear program in order to fully satisfy its national interests, Spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nasser Kanaani said at a press conference in Tehran, Trend reports.

The official noted that Iran has clearly announced its position on the nuclear talks to the other involved parties. As he said, of late, Iran has been observing the opposite side to move away from unrealistic and non-constructive conditions, whereas, it does not ring enough for Iran, and Iran is committed to holding discussions.

Kanaani added that as a responsible member of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran takes further measures based on the steps of the other parties. Iran reacts to the actions of the other parties within the JCPOA and the mechanisms mentioned in the plan. So, Iran took alternative steps in connection with the withdrawal of the US from the JCPOA.

“Iran is ready for any situation in the future, including the conclusion of the discussions and other issues. Iran continues its balanced foreign policy without delving into the process and results of the negotiations,” he said.

On January 2016, Iran's nuclear program triggered the creation of JCPOA between Iran and the P5+1 group (US, Russia, China, UK, France, and Germany). In May 2018, the US announced its withdrawal from the deal and imposed sanctions on Iran in November of the same year. To preserve the agreements reached as part of the JCPOA, the European signatories of the deal started in January 2019 and a financial mechanism for maintaining trade with Iran called INSTEX was formed.

On May 8, 2019, Iran announced ceasing to fulfill its commitments regarding the sale of over 300 kilograms of uranium, as stated in the deal, basing its decision on the other signatories that have not fulfilled their obligations. On July 7, Iran announced that it will not be fulfilling its commitments regarding the enrichment of uranium at 3.67 percent and the reconstruction of the Arak Heavy Water Reactor Facility as stated in the deal.

On September 5 of the same year, Iran announced its commitment to enrich uranium using next-generation centrifuges and not to mix it with the enriched uranium residues as part of the third step of reducing commitments in JCPOA. On November 5, 2019, Iran announced to have taking the fourth step in connection with reducing its commitments to the nuclear agreement. So, uranium gas is being pumped to the centrifuges at the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant.

On Jan.2020, Iran took the last fifth step in reducing the number of its commitments within JCPOA.

On May 8, 2018, the US announced its withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran and the 5+1 group, and imposed new sanctions against Iran as of November 2018.

Over the past period, the sanctions affected Iranian oil exports, ranging from above 700 banks, companies, to individuals. The sanctions have led to the freezing of Iranian assets abroad.


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