
Egypt may extradite Gaddafi loyalists on Libyan request

Arab World Materials 15 March 2012 14:15 (UTC +04:00)

Egyptian authorities are "seriously considering" a request from Libya to hand over former officials from the ousted regime of Moamer Gaddafi, an official at the Foreign Ministry said Thursday dpa reported

"Egypt's chief prosecutor has ordered barring all those requested by the Libyan side from leaving the country and placing others already outside Egypt on inbound watch lists as a precautionary measure," added ministry spokesman Amr Rushdi.

He said the request had been officially made by Libya's chief prosecutor.

Rushdi did not disclose the number of Gaddafi loyalists whose extradition is sought by Tripoli.

Egyptian and Libyan officials have been exchanging visits since an armed revolt ended Gaddafi's 42-year rule last year.

Egypt's military ruler, Hussein Tantawi, visited Libya in January in his first official trip abroad since taking charge after a popular uprising forced president Hosny Mubarak to step down in February 2011.

Two months earlier, the head of Libya's interim ruling National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, visited Egypt for talks on boosting economic cooperation between the two neighbouring countries.

