Kazakhstan, Astana, November 23 / Trend, K. Konyrova /
By his orders, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev freed Abay Tasbulatov, Commander of the Republican Guards, and Ikram Adyrbekov, Kazakh Ambassador to China, from their posts, Akordy Press Service reported on Wednesday.
"In line with the orders of the head of state, Adyrbekov Ikram is freed from the post of Kazakhstan's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Chinese People's Republic and at the same time Kazakhstan's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Korean People's Democratic Republic in connection with transition to another work; Tasbulatov Abay Bolukpayevitch is freed from the post of Commander of the Republican Guards of Kazakhstan," the President's official Website reported.
By his another order, the President of Kazakhstan appointed Adyrbekov Ikram, Altynbayev Muhtar Kapashevitch, Imashev Berika Majitovitch, Nigmatulin Erlan Zayrulayevitch, Mami Kairat Abdrazakuly, Muhamedjanov Baurjan Alimovitch and Poltorabatlko Ludmila Georgiyevna as MPs of the Parliament's Senate. The text of the order was publicized at the President's official Website on Wednesday.
In addition, by his order, the head of Kazakhstan freed Jarasov Janat Abdullayevitch from the post of Deputy Chairman of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan.