
Some 9,877 People Amnestied in Azerbaijan

Society Materials 11 August 2007 13:16 (UTC +04:00)
Some 9,877 People Amnestied in   Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan, Baku / Тrend corr K. Zarbaliyeva / The eighth amnesty act released 9,877 people (8,560 men, 1,317 women, 11 underaged) in Azerbaijan.

According to Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the amnesty covered 2,861 inmates of penitentiary establishments; 104 military men who were serving temporary punishment of disciplinary character in military units, 2,091 people engaged in reformatory work, 226 people in public work, 4,225 convicts who do not have material opportunity to pay over AZN 3mln of fine.

The amnesty covered 370 people including persons with suspended sentence, the persons with postponed sentence, and those released from imprisonment conventional.

Some 98% of the amnestied people were charged for crimes which do not represent serious threat for the public. The persons who committed serious and very serious crimes with expiring imprisonment term made up 2% of the amnestied people. Eights amnesty acts covered 87,000 people, including 23,000 inmates of penitentiary establishments.

