Baku, Azerbaijan, June 25
By Rufiz Hafizoglu – Trend:
Turkey will further strengthen relations with Azerbaijan, which is a fraternal country, the Turkish presidential administration told Trend June 25.
The administration was commenting on the development of relations between Baku and Ankara after the parliamentary and presidential elections held in Turkey.
The Turkish presidential administration noted that Ankara and Baku have strong political, economic, military and cultural ties.
“Turkey and Azerbaijan, as before, will support each other in all spheres,” the administration said.
The administration noted that Azerbaijan is the most reliable partner and ally of Turkey.
“Ankara assesses Azerbaijan’s achievements in all spheres as Turkey’s own achievements,” the presidential administration said. “Turkey and Azerbaijan are the key states of the region.”
Turkey held parliamentary and presidential elections on June 24.
According to preliminary counting of votes, Erdogan gathered 52.58 percent of the votes in the presidential election, said the Supreme Electoral Council of Turkey (YSK).
Muharrem Ince from the Republican People’s Party (CHP) settled for 30.64 percent of the votes, Meral Aksener from the recently created Good Party (Iyi Parti) - 7.30 percent, Selahattin Demirtas from the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) - 8.39 percent, Temel Karamollaoglu from the Felicity Party (Saadet Partisi, SP) - 0.89 percent and Dogu Perincek from the Patriotic Party (Vatan Partisi) - 0.2 percent of the votes.
As for the parliamentary election, the political bloc called "People's Unity" (Cumhur Ittifaki) (Justice and Development Party and the Nationalist Movement Party [MHP]) gained 53.65 percent of the votes, the bloc called "People's Alliance" (Millet Ittifaki) with the participation of CHP, SP and "Iyi Parti" - 33.96 percent, and HDP - 11.69 percent. The remaining parties gained 0.07 percent of the votes.
Thus, the Justice and Development Party will be represented in the country's parliament by 295, MHP-48, CHP-147, İyi Parti - 43, and HDP - 67 MPs.
SP and Vatan Partisi will not be represented in the parliament of the country.
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