Baku, Azerbaijan, May 18
Turkic-speaking States established the Joint Chambers of Commerce and Industry at the signing ceremony organized by the Turkic Council Secretariat in Nur-Sultan (former Astana) as part of the Astana Economic Forum, Trend reports via the press office the Turkic Council.
The Statute of the Joint Turkic Chambers of Commerce and Industry has been signed by the Heads of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Turkic Council Member States in the presence of Askar Mamin, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Baghdad Amreyev, the Secretary General of the Turkic Council at the ceremony, that took place on the margins of the Astana Economic Forum on May 17, 2019 in Nur-Sultan.
The Permanent Secretariat of TCCI will be located in Istanbul, at the premises of Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey.
In his welcoming address, Mamin expressed satisfaction with the establishment of Turkic Chambers of Commerce and Industry, an important step forward towards institutionalization of the existing multilateral cooperation among business communities of the Turkic Council Member States.
The prime minister also underlined special importance and full support given by the government of Kazakhstan to the Turkic Council and its undertakings in the field of economy. He expressed confidence in the newly established Turkic Chambers of Commerce and Industry and its high potential to provide productive programs, projects and activities to the Turkic world in the upcoming years.
Amreyev, in his speech, welcomed the participants to the signing ceremony of TCCI, which is an historic event for the cooperation among Turkic States. He also pointed out that among many areas of cooperation of the Turkic Council; economy was the area that the Heads of State particularly emphasized during the last Summit in Cholpon-Ata.
He stated that this year will be the year of economy in the Turkic Council’s agenda and underlined that the establishment of Joint Turkic Chambers will be one of the extremely important steps towards this end.
He also said that the Turkic Council intensifies its efforts in cooperation with the Member States on the establishment of the Joint Investment Fund and this will be a significant financial instrument for supporting Small and Medium sized Enterprises.
Secretary General also informed the audience that on the eve of the next Turkic Council Summit, which will take place in October 2019, a large scale Business Forum of the Turkic Council will be organized in Baku.
He added that today’s signing of TCCI as well as the establishment of the Joint Investment Fund along with other efforts in the regard make the economic cooperation between Turkic States more effective and institutionalized.
President of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ASK), Mammad Musayev, Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Atameken, Ablay Myrzakhmetov, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of the Republic of Turkey (TOBB), Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic, Nurlan Musuraliev participated in the signing ceremony followed by working meeting moderated by Secretary General B. Amreyev.
In his remarks, Hisarcıklıoğlu, referring to the establishment of the Turkic Chambers of Commerce and Industry as an historic moment, expressed appreciation to the Turkic Council Secretariat for successful follow-up of the project and its current undertakings such as Joint Investment Fund, emphasizing the importance of additional financial resources available for the projects of private sector concerning the Fund. He reiterated the readiness of TOBB in extending all kinds of assistance for the development and implementation of projects such as organized industrial zones, Turkic Trade Houses and similar programs enhancing the mutual trade among the Turkic-speaking States.
Mammad Musayev invited the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Turkic Council Member States to the Business Forum planned to be organized on the margins of the forthcoming 7th Summit of the Turkic Councilin Baku. Recalling the recently established KOBIA, he expressed satisfaction with the dedication of the Summit to the development to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Atameken, AblayMyrzakhmetov stated that the newly established Turkic Chambers of Commerce and Industry will contribute to the improvement of the investment climate. Touching upon current economic outlook in the Turkic-speaking countries and the current barriers in front of the intra-trade in the region, Chairman A. Myrzakhmetov proposed the parties to focus on and foster in priority sectors, set up industrial zones, eliminate tariff and non-tariff barriers.
Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic Nurlan Musuraliyev supported the idea of organizing a Business Forum by the Turkic Chambers of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) on the sidelines of the 7th Turkic Council Summit and underlined the importance for the Secretariat of TCCI of elaborating concrete joint projects and programs especially focusing on transport, textile and tourism.
Following the meeting, Secretary General Baghdad Amreyev informed the audience on realization process of the initiative, objectives of TCCI in short and long term.