
US stops weapons delivery to Iraq amid tensions with Baghdad

US Materials 28 January 2020 07:02 (UTC +04:00)

The United States stopped all weapons deliveries to Iraq in the midst of the growing tensions with the government in Baghdad, the US-based Inside Defense news site reported, Trend reports citing Sputnik.

The freeze includes halting supplies for the new F-16 fleet, the report said on Monday citing Air Force spokesperson Brian Brackens.

The Pentagon will resume shipments "when the environment in Iraq is safe enough," Brackens said, according to the report.

On Sunday, three missiles landed on the US embassy's territory in Baghdad, with one of the missiles hitting the embassy’s restaurant. Several people were reportedly injured.

In early January, the Iraqi parliament voted to expel all foreign forces from the country and also raised the voice for ceasing cooperation with the international coalition. This came as a response to Washington's operation, in which Abu Mahdi Muhandis, the deputy commander of the Iraqi Shia militia, and Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian top general - both allegedly involved in the attack on the US embassy in Baghdad on 31 December - were killed.

