Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has criticized supporters of PKK terrorist group, emphasizing that no one can scare citizens of Turkey, Anadolu reported.
Davutoglu made the remarks Saturday during the opening ceremony of 18 new facilities for the public, including cultural centers and parks in Turkey's eastern Bingol province.
He also criticized opposition parties, especially the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP).
"Those who hope to benefit from terror and those who never draw back their hands from the trigger will never progress," he said.
He said that the Turkish government and security forces are present in every corner of the country. "No one can scare us," he said.
Davutoglu said that his AK Party always said it was solution oriented. He called on everyone, including non-governmental organizations, intellectuals and academia, for contributing towards a solution for permanent peace in Turkey.
A deputy of the HDP party recently paid a visit to offer condolences to the family of a suicide bomber, who killed 29 people and injured 60 others in the Feb. 17 terrorist attack in Ankara.