Azerbaijan, Baku, 21 July / Trend corr. S.Babayeva / The volume of international incoming traffics of the telephone conversations has increased by 58.22mln minutes and totaled 230.67mln minutes in the first quarter in 2008 as compared to 2007, Rashad Nabiyev, the head of the Finance, Accounting and Economic Analysis Department under the Communication and IT Ministry.
According to Nabiyev, the volume of outgoing traffics has increased by 14.53mln minutes and made up 67.69mln minutes.
Under the decision by the Tariff Council, one minute cost for calls from Azerbaijan to the CIS and Baltic countries decreased from AZN 0.45 to AZN 0.36, as well as from AZN 0.54 to AZN 0.45 from Azerbaijan to Iran, Turkey and Pakistan, from AZN 0.72 to AZN AZN 0.54 from Azerbaijan to the Europe countries and from AZN 0.9 to AZN 0.54 from Azerbaijan to the United States and other countries.