The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) says the second circuit of units of the country's first nuclear power plant has been successfully tested, Press TV reported.
The Russian reactor builder Atomstroyexport said on Tuesday that it had successfully carried out the test on the Bushehr nuclear power plant.
The test is a step toward the completion of the plant, and the hydraulic testing of second circuit equipment of the Bushehr nuclear power plant with pressure buildup to 110 kg/cm2 was successfully completed, RIA Novosti reported on Tuesday.
In December, AEOI Director Ali Akbar Salehi said that the Bushehr nuclear plant, which is located on the Persian Gulf coast in southern Iran, would become operational after three more tests.
New tests conducted at Bushehr nuclear plant
The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) says the second circuit of units of the country's first nuclear power plant has been successfully tested.